Eva House Designs
Updating Products
badge reel clipboard cover sheet freshie key chain keychain straw topper vocera holder
These next few days I will be updating products, images and all manner of things here on the website. There will be new products available such as keychains, freshies, vocera holders, straw toppers, clipboard cover sheets and add-ons that you can add to your order as well. Customizable items will be coming soon, but probably not until next month, just bear with me. In the next few months there will be more variety of items being added on a monthly basis and some of these things will be only for a single run. To all my customers I thank you...
New Badge Reels
Transferring A Business
Transferring a business in a physical world is a time consuming, energy draining, money squeezing endeavor. Packing up your inventory, checking to see what sales aids you can use and what won't fit or look right in a new place. Thankfully in todays digital world, for many of us transferring a business is just a matter of changing platforms. Not that it doesn't have its own pitfalls and problems. I am ready to take that on. I will be adding more digital products as well as more 3D hand crafted designs as well in the near future. If you have...